Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Stay Tuned!!!

Can you guess what my topic is going to be for Thankful Thursday????

Fat Nasty

Lenox’s appetite is becoming more and more unquenchable. I mean this little butterball can eat. It’s funny whenever I am making his bottle people ask can he really eat all that, and usually in a matter of minutes they are staring eyes wide open at Lenox chug down his bottle. He refuses to burp, he refuses to allow you take the bottle away and if you do he squeals and snorts until you give it back…Its really cute. So cute in fact that I usually end up laughing and covering him in kisses which just makes him more upset.

Considering he once had no interest in eating, it’s quite impressive how feisty he can become when you’re not moving fast enough. Pickle has dubbed his “alter ego” Fat Nasty. And sure enough I just got a sneak peek at the pictures Isaac took of Lenox from the Christening and Fat Nasty is in several of the pictures. Between Fred (his pacifier) and his bottle I have realized Lenox spends most of his time with something in his mouth…lol. I am just soooo happy that I pump or else we may always be connected.

I think Pickle and Uncle Tim will get their fill of Fat Nasty this weekend since they are going to watch the boys so Tre and I can go away for the weekend. It’s our first weekend away since we went to Ohio and will probably be our last one until we celebrate our 5th anniversary.

These next few months are going to be crazy busy. I have my surgery on March 9th, and will be out of commission until April. Of course in April I will be SUPER busy planning Lyric’s birthday party and trying to figure out what to do for Tre’s 30th. June will be the family vacation, and then July or August we will be planning our anniversary trip. Guess time does fly when you’re having fun!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Yummy Yummy in my Tummy

Sorry for the little hiatus, but I had good reason…Lenox had his christening yesterday. For those of you who know me, you know this meant I had to throw a little party in his honor. I mean after all he has been through I think it was only fitting we truly sit back fellowship and rejoice in all God has done for our little fighter. The “theme” was All of God’s grace in this sweet little face…and this picture was the inspiration.

We had pictures taken and the ceremony was videotaped so I will post more about his Christening once I have pictures to share.

Yesterday also marked Lenox’s 4 month anniversary. I know can you believe he is a quarter year old….where is the time going? I can see the changes he is making everyday and I know before I know it he will be crawling. In honor of his special day, we allowed him to try cereal for the 1st time. Let’s just say although he maybe small he is like his daddy and is GREEDY. He took the spoon with no problem and ate the whole bowl.

Today he went for his well baby check up and he is almost 10 pounds and 24 inches long. Since Lenox is drinking about 5 to 6 ounces every 2 hours, the Dr. said its time to start him on food. So this week he will eat cereal in the evening and then next week for both breakfast and dinner. The following week he will start on actual baby food….crazy right…and since I am planning on making his food I need to get on the ball. Here is a little video of Lenox eating....Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Cover Boy!!!

I swear Lenox has turned his personality on these past few days. It seems like he almost knows something exciting is going to happen this week. Or maybe he is just excited he found his Nonetheless I have been talking to him all about his BIG day and he just smiles and talks right back. So Monday I went over the game plan. Tre and I usually do this nightly with Lyric to help avoid the mini tantrums he has started to throw.

But since I was going to venture out with Lenox to take pictures in his "Christening" outfit, I thought I should let him know the rules. There were only two rules, no throwing up on the outfit and he had to smile. Although we got off to a bumpy start, with him wanting to eat an extra 4 ounces at picture people. Once "Sarah" came over to take his pictures he couldn't smile enough. Needless to say I think he did AWESOME. In fact I am creating a thank you card to send with the guest.

I have LOADS to do before Sunday and I am not sure if I will be able to get everything done, but I am sure between Pickle and will get done. Only a few more days and I can not wait. Although I had a hard time figuring out the colors and theme I finally have found the right color combo blue, purple and brown. I of course will post pics VERY soon.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Manic Monday

It seems like the weekends zip by way to fast these days. Maybe that has a lot to do with everything we have going on right now. As if life is not already busy these days, Tre is also taking a class on top of working his part time job. And it appears that in the very near future I will be doing the same thing. But this weekend we just had plain ol’ fun.

Parker-Man came over as well as my 2 favorite “BIG” girls Alexis and Logan. It was sooo nice to just hang out eat and play Wii with a few of my favorite people. Even Lyric and Parker got in on the Wii action. It’s crazy to see Alexis and Logan so big because I remember them both being babies and I used to look at them the way I see them look at Lyric and now Lenox.

They are exceptional young women, and I am soooo excited to see what the future hold for them. They have Lyric wanting to play soccer this spring and if we can find a league for his age, I am sure they will be there to cheer him on. It’s crazy to see how much they influence Lyric and how much he looks up to them…and how sweet they are to him even during his screaming 3 year old fits.

A few of my highlights from this weekend:

  • Beating “Yes Yes” in skiing and soccer ( Wii games count, because there is no way I could beat her in real life)
  • Logan "accidentally" getting Alexis killed in Mario Brothers
  • Tre beating all teh girls in a hula hoop contest
  • Lyric screaming his head off for more crackers and Logan sitting right beside him tuning him out playing her DS…priceless

Friday, February 5, 2010

Let It Snow!!!!!

Every winter for the past six years I have done a snow dance whenever the meteorologist has said there is a chance for snow. For the past 2 winters Lyric has joined in….and finally it worked. Although I am a born and bred beach girl, I ADORE snow. As we got bundled up for the snow I couldn’t help but think back to my favorite snow memories, from sledding down the hill using a tray from the RAT (cafeteria), when I was in college to spending my 23rd birthday with Tre skiing for the 1st time.

So many of my favorite memories have happened in the snow, and I was so excited to create some new ones with Lyric and Lenox. Lenox was bundled up and stayed on the porch sleeping of course. But Lyric and I took to the yard and even with the whipping wind had some fun. Uncle Nathan, one of Lyric’s favorite people was there which made Lyric squeal in glee even more. Uncle Nathan who is used to snow being from Ohio got me square in the face with a huge handful of snow, while Tre kept a close eye on Lenox.

Needless to say I am already for more of that white powdery goodness :)


Like all good books or movies in order to appreciate the ending you have to know how it all began. The same can be said about our amazing journey. To see how it all started go to

Thanks for following us as we love our little munchkins and get used to this mayhem that is now called our life!!!!